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2022 Projects

We proudly present project grant recipients from the Consular Club's 2022 International Charity Bazaar.

Past Projects Highlights

The Consular Club has been supporting vulnerable populations in and around HCMC for nearly 30 years.

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ROP Blindness Prevention in Premature Babies

The Consular Club of HCMC has been supporting ROP Vietnam’s efforts to prevent blindness in premature babies. Donated funds have been used to purchase oxymeters, the necessary technology to properly measure oxygen levels in incubators of premature babies so that over-oxygenation does not lead to blindness. Without these oxygenators, hospitals cannot accurately support a premature baby’s development in the incubator, increasing their risk of Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) which can lead to blindness. Equipped with oxymeters purchased through our donations, hospitals in HCMC are better equipped to effectively lower the number of ROP cases that require costly surgeries, and premature babies are less likely to go blind.

To date, 5 oxymeters have been purchased through our support helping over 500 babies.

Orange Initiative
Impact Scholarships

Ho Chi Minh City Peace & Development Foundation (HPDF) organizes a scholarship fund for students with disabilities, Agent Orange survivors, and UXO victims with academic potential to allow them to complete their university, college or vocational training program and achieve greater self-reliance in life. These scholarships aim to empower young people with financial difficulties who demonstrate high learning potential, especially young women. We especially focus on developing their character, solidarity and mutual support mindset to motivate all students to contribute to their communities after graduation.

The Consular Club has funded 8 OI scholarships.

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